Wandering the streets of upper Puerto Vallarta we discovery chapters of movie history. The bronze silhouette of Taylor and Burton becomes a prop for some momentary parody. The landmark coupled with the others becomes a series of stepping stones to life lived and enjoyed.
As commercial as the cup logo appears, life would not be the same without an affogato (that palette pleasing combination of espresso coffee poured over ice cream.) The glorious balance of life here is that I can savour the affogato while Margaret gets to enjoy the vanilla ice cream. Talk about finding the best of/for both worlds. A great way to get your licks in!
The cathedral Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is both a landmark and faithmark. We attended services there on Sunday before strolling the Malecon in search of affogato! The gospel about all the parts of the body being valuable to the community reminded again that every part of our living interaction builds community, cements community and grows relationships.
Along the malecon the local cirque show reminds us that suspension by a thread holds us. Watching the acrobatics team replace the ropes on the spinnaker underscores a lesson of personal responsibility. The notions of personal responsibility for packing your own parachute, tying your own safety line, for maintaining spiritual health and for living in community begins with a playful remembrance that the props of life, like an affogato are lessons.