The mechanical monster masquerades as a museum entry. A few decades ago the donkeys in harness were marched in circles around this well head. This morning they eat marmelo (quince) from my hand.
Look the green fig (with a little love) we can grow certain varieties in the south coast of Britrish Columbia.
Everywhere we turn there are fruits that climate makes it difficult for us to grow in Canada. Pomegranates hanging nearly ripe on trees. Rich in nutrients. The fluid laden pits are packed with anti-oxidants. Till climate change does its worst, we will continue to import these.
A few steps further into the orchard and Margaret is reaching for limes. One of those fruits whose processed juices are indistinguishable from lemon juice.
It was a moment like Adam n Eve in the garden. We found oranges! Apples are overrated by story tellers. In this orchard we not only found tempting fruit, we learned again that this growing business is about cooperating with each other and nature. Fruitfulness requires attentiveness. Somehow we need to help people listen to the land and its people so that we can help heal the brokeness of the garden, in the garden!