Faces of Community

Wandering around the Indonesian Islands there were faces that bridged the gaps in my understanding. Faces that opened up my thinking beyond my first world blessedness.  We stood amazed as young students proudly practiced their English lessons with us.  This island of fish and shells was their home.

A young woman at the well draws water to fill a plastic [recycled beach drifted] jug with water so that the connected pipes would, with gravity, provide running water for her and her sister. Her contact with excesses of civilization also created insight and a very practical engineering solution.   The peace symbol waving, pencil clutching student sat with us and methodically asked her questions and pencilled our answers.  The moment of beamed pride was when she paused for a selfie with us.

Across the room her friend was shy and only said hi.  Never asked the questions.  Her mother carrying her brother took a picture of us and later she started asking he questions.  No pencil.  No paper.  We were too big and too white for her.  The faces of community promised freedom. Promised connections always longing with hope.


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