Five Fingered Discount

In the sheltered waters around Arguni Island the hand prints and sea creatures on the limestone walls are more than evidence of a presence long before our time.  On first seeing the hand I was reminded of a story we read to our kids on road trips.  The protagonist returned to his buds and proudly exclaimed he had acquired the spoils at a five-finger-discount.  Stolen!  So often Margaret and I get caught taking glimpses at the creation and catching sight of something beyond our understanding.  Something, as it were, stolen by our presence.  A few weeks ago I was sitting in a pew and the pastor noted that if we kept silent the stones would cry out!   The Luke passage hints at the speak-tactical of the Genesis. The waving hands etched with orca some 3000-5000 years ago not only bear witness but also raise praise. The marks of claimed territory long before the explorers.  In the early morning light Genesis spoke and the rocks clapped their hands.

At the edge of the still tidal water, in the sky blue green, the roots of the Mangrove weave a tapestry  created by the germinated seed pods that spear from the tree into the fine intertidal sand.  The seed pods (think 20-40 cm in length) fall from the tree when germinated and set root in the saline water.  The web of roots provides shelter for fish from predators.  An intricate Genesis adapted to sustain all things now living.

Over the chain of eroded limestone islands the sun crafts a pastel – all is well.  The five fingers waving at the break of day admitting that we too have stolen a glimpse from eternity for eternity.



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