No more Snowman!

Winter has faded from snow to drizzle and in the courtyard at St Peter’s Cathedral the jazz band plays to the stones in the ground and the memories in the air.  This is the kind of resurection rift reserved for extreme death.  Ok the Snowman was deserving.  This winter had the “coldest of times” and wettest of chimes. The snowman with charcoal eyes and ginger carrot nose will melt away.  The children have spread the early spring flowers and the budding growth along the road.  Now the waiting begins again.  Yes a waiting for the resurection of spring.  The snow will melt away and the snowman will blow his firecracker head into a thousand droplets.

Political correctness is not the focus of our early morning thought. Today Zurich celebrated the end of winter or to put it warmly — the melting (exploding) of the snowman. The drummers echoing across the square and river carried the cold winds away

And as the horns of the jazz band rattle the spire of St Peters’ and the drums drive chills into darkness one begins to feel hope again.  Let then eat cake as the pastry palace displays it. The competing drums echo into the evening drizzle promising spring.  The glowing drumsticks mark time. The snow will melt.


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