Olhao – On the Waterfront

The boat, like the boy, captures the nature of Olhao.  This is a fishing community.  Old boats like fishermen are ever present in community.  Tied to docks with new tethers.  Sitting in coffee bars complaining about the weather and the price of fish.  Yet the next generation wants to be part of.  Wants to play. Wants to wave a magic net at the ocean and catch fish on both sides of the boat.

The city is a weaving of streets and walkways that are stages for flowers and laundry.  A colourful wallway for ordinary life. The intricate limestone walkways lead forever to the next house, next street, next surprise!

Walkways leading to stores and coffee bars and pharmacies.  Not a lot of “mega” in this neighbourhood.  In the suburbs the jumbo shops are emerging but amoungst these old streets I am made aware of life at it can be lived.  In community, with friends and neighbours.

At the corner, an art school.  In Portugese and English. living this kind of simple is an art.


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