Whale Watching

The floating fountain marks the spot.  There!  In the Bay of Banderas the whales have been a visual feast for the past six days.  Patiently training eyes to watch the waters for a stirring … a healing boil. The meditation of waiting, of being still, of watching. There!

Breaking the water horizon. After a brief interval the gracious mammal boils through the horizon splashing the visual peace with a thunderous clap. The announcement to wait and watch.  There is a glorious link between observation and awe.  Stephen Mitchell captures the wisdom of the moment, any moment, in the quotation from Ramana Maharishi , “The whole of wisdom is contained in two biblical statements: ‘I am that I am’ and ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ “

Playful! The dance of the giants stirs the bay.  A playfulness that says again and again, “No matter how old/big/tired/sick/healthy or whatever self deprecating adjective you choose, There is restoration, resurrection, in playfulness.  The twinkle of divine insight reverberates in the words, “God looked at everything made, and behold, it was good.”

The oft told legend of the pool of Bethesda proclaiming healing for the first entry into the lottery of wellness.  The playing whales offer a healing insight for anyone paralyzed by fear.  Get up, have fun, walk!  All the rules about tides and horizons and even fishy mammals were thrown out with the simple, “Be still … “

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