Harry Belafonte’s, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, wasn’t the first recording of the song. But it surely was linked in all the reminiscences this past while. The Dutch have a way of painting the town orange. I mean orange! A way of punctuating their royal celebrations with soccer enthusiasm. Each moment nudging recall and reminiscence.
Now the abashed heads draped in orange were more than suited for the event. They came to be the event. The celebrations returned my feelings home and toward all the celebrations at Last Door. Henri Nouwen in a 1978 book called critical prophets (recovery champions) revolutionaries. These are people who attract “others by their inner power. Those who meet them are fascinated … All who meet them get the irresistible impression that they derive their strength from a hidden source. … Freedom flows from them. Giving them an independence that is neither haughty nor aloof, but enables them to stand above immediate needs and the most pressing necessities.” Yes this was a celebration on the streets of a land of ditches and dikes.
My colleague, David P, could lead without rules and dictums. He could forecast recovery prophetically. Just when you figured that out he would marshall everyone into line for not maintaining an adequate standard. Every rule was meant to be broken and every rule was meant to be adhered to. I do not ride a motorcycle nor play chess. I have learned to listen to the paradoxical speak and continue to pray that his vision for Recovery will brand generations with much more than an orange parade. People marching with strict determination toward the goal of their Higher Power’s choosing.
These could simply be stairs at an orange theme party or they could by the steps that have made recovery a celebration! As for our journey through the historical sites of Europe comes to an end, we know that our journey of recovery has, as always, just begun. There is someone who craves a full colored life. A rich life. A blessed life. A whole head!!