The opening lines could come from the prophet Isaiah to our present age. What can easily be mislabelled as graffiti might well be viewed as a word (in pictures) to our times. The carefully crafted Phoenix that spans 8 metres announces rebirth in a community, neighbourhood, that goes beyond civil servants and all the do good programs.
Street art is a lot/more than graffiti. It, in the lyrics of U2, delivers grace to ugly things. The vacant building a canvas. The Phoenix across the street promises newness. The capped rubber duck emerges from the colour of shower with determination to rise above it.
The flattened planter (less than 7 centimetres) reclaims the sidewalk and the wall-way for green. This carefully crafted planter is a multilayered environment for roots and water. Depth being more important than width to overcome bureaucratic regulations. A touch of green on earth.
Along the acres of sand in Acheron Bay a flag pole rises from the pier. Whiter than White Rock but shorter. This centurion to conquest flys a wind worn flag. The pole repainted with loving care raises from the landscape. The voices from the street are prophetic if we have ears to hear. The observations of artist-prophets may find a way to renew and renewal.